Your Special Invitation to hear:
Evangelist Cliff Bennett
America Needs REVIVAL at
Good Samaritan Baptist Church
54 Main Street in Dresden
Sunday Jun 3rd 11 AM and 6 PM
Mon - Fri Jun 4th -8th 7 PM
Jesus Said
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. . . . Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God
Can you SEE? Have you ENTERED?
For 16 years Good Sam has held annual revival services emphasizing the Old Tyme Religion that was good for our mothers and was good for our fathers. Without an ounce of modernism Evangelist Cliff Bennett preaches the whole counsel of God for your life, your home and your walk with the Lord. You will never hear a clearer presentation of the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and charge for repentance. Come and hear that message preached before it is eternally to late. Jesus said “Except ye be converted, ...
Ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
Sunday AM Message revival060307am.mp3
Sunday PM Message revival060307pm.mp3
Monday PM Message revival060407.mp3
Tuesday PM Message revival060507.mp3
Wednesday PM Message revival060607.mp3
Thursday PM Message revival060707.mp3
Friday PM Message revival060807.mp3
Good Samaritan Baptist Church
On the Web at
54 Main Street, Dresden NY 14441
Pastor Ed Rice Phone (315)536-0878
(Home 607-292-6639)