The Biblical Doctrine of Election and Predestination by Pastor Ed Rice

Book Cover
Copyright: © 2009 Edward G. Rice Standard Copyright License
Language: English
Country: United States
Edition: First Edition

Printed: 140 pages, 6" x 9", Published 2009, paperback


The Biblical Doctrine of Election and Predestination: The Author is a USAF retired systems engineer turned Baptist Preacher who brings a fresh Biblical look at our systematic theology. His Master of Science degree in Engineering enlivens an analytical view of the doctrine of election and predestination. You will be amazed at how much Christian doctrine departs from the Bible and leans on Augustinian Theology and Calvin's Reformed Theology. We need to get back to sound Bible teachings with this doctrine. This treatise will move one in that direction.

Table of Contents: 

  • Chapter 1 Intro – Calvinism's Dilemma 1
    Chapter 2 Origins - Augustinian's Error 9
    Chapter 3 What is Election 23
    Chapter 4 Systematic Theology Considerations 31
    Chapter 5 Election and Whosoever Will  43
  • Chapter 6 Election and the One Elect 49
    Chapter 7 Election and the Elect Ones 55
    Chapter 8 Election and the Predestined 69
    Chapter 9 Election and the Sovereignty of God 73
    Chapter 10 Election and God's Foreknowledge 81
    Chapter 11 Bible Exegesis and Calvinistic Error 106
    Chapter 12 The Dangers of Calvinistic Error 112
  • Chapter 13 Dispensations Unmuddy Election and Clarify Romans 9,10,11. 117
    Chapter 14 Romans Chapter 9, Israel's Election in Dispensation of Law. 121
    Chapter 15 Romans Chapter 10, Israel in the Dispensation of Grace. 129
    Chapter 16 Romans Chapter 11, Israel in the Dispensation To Come    130
    Chapter 17 Conclusion 131
  • Glossary  132
    Appendix: Helpful Devotionals on Election 136
    Appendix: The Errant Doctrine Defined in Tulip 138
    Appendix: Initial Research and Correspondence 139
    Index 134  Bibliography 142

FREE SLIDE PRESENTATION of Chapter 13 Romans Chapter 9, Election by God's Design 116
FREE SLIDE PRESENTATION of The Biblical Doctrine of Election and Predestination (DRAFT)
Also See
Reformation Reformations
   Reformed Augustinian Theology is, as its name so aptly captures, a reformation of bad Augustinian Theology that previously framed up the belief system of Roman Catholic Theology. The reformers began the reformation of the Roman Catholic theology and reformations have progressed until a common question is asked “Exactly what is reformed theology?” This work will analyze rate of change for reformation theology. It is feasible to understand where the transformation began, in the heart of Roman Catholic Doctrine, and where it is to land, in the heart of Biblical Baptist Doctrine.  It had to depart from Catholicism and its horrid soteriology, tyrannical ecclesiology, mislead eschatology, inept Bibliology and defective theology.   Is it now circling towards the epicenter of truth, or does it continue in the venue of its mother Church spiraling ever further from the truth? This effort focus and clarifies the position and course of Reformed Augustinian Theology with a clarity never before addressed.
 Buy Reformed Theology's Reformations Are Not Producing a Biblical Systematic Theology 

Other Books by  Edward G. Rice