David A. Paterson
State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224
518-474-8390 http://www.ny.gov/governor/contact/index.html
Governor Patterson
Your depraved actions to promote the immoral homosexual agenda in NYS are directly infringing upon my right to discriminate against immorality, to preach the common teaching of the Holy Bible that homosexuality is a sin and abomination against God, and to communicate to the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and to save sinners, not condone and placate their sinful rebellion against nature. Please recall that your purpose in office is to punish evil, promote good and protect the innocent, ... not promote immorality, placate vile affections, and desecrate holy matrimony established by God and clarified by the Lord Jesus Christ as the joining of a man and a woman. You will answer to Him for your actions in this short term of your office as governor.
Msg #918 Man's Depravity
What The Bible Says Good Sam's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
In the Bible's doctoral thesis on the righteousness of God and the salvation of man, we learn about the depravity of man unfolding in our nations leadership. The thesis, written as the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans, establishes as its first premise that every human has the knowledge of God's eternal power and Godhead manifest within them, has the invisible things of God clearly seen in creation, and is without excuse. This, in itself, defies Augustinian and Calvinist theology about the 'total depravity' of man, but verse 21 starts the 6 steps that mankind, in his rebellion against God, and in his own sinful nature, takes towards total depravity. It appears our own governor has arrived at that bottom rung, pandering to those who are given over to “vile affections” and “taking pleasure in them that do the same.” How can one of such superb intellect and education rally with homosexuals “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, ... who are given up unto vile affections, ... changing the natural use into that which is against nature, ... men with men working that which is unseemly?” It is only comprehended when you look at the six rungs in the ladder of depravity. “Because that, when they knew God, they 1) glorified him not as God, 2) neither were thankful; but 3) became vain in their imaginations, and 4) their foolish heart was darkened. 5) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And 6) changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” The thing about ladders is that they can take you up as well as down. So which rung are you on? And which direction are you moving? Be top rung with God.
Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY
300 Words for
Week #918, 03 May 2009
Assemblymember Jim Bacalles 136th Assembly District
105 E. Steuben St.
Bath, NY 14810
LOB 439
Albany, NY 12248
Online Form Used 30 Apr 2009
Dear Assemblyman Jim Bacalles,
I wrote to our Governor informing him that his depraved actions to promote the immoral homosexual agenda in NYS are directly infringing upon my right to discriminate against immorality, to preach the common teaching of the Holy Bible that homosexuality is a sin and abomination against God, and to communicate to the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and to save sinners, not condone and placate their sinful rebellion against nature. Please assist in stopping his rampage into immorality.
Recall that your purpose in office is to punish evil, promote good and protect the innocent, ... not promote immorality, placate vile affections, and desecrate holy matrimony established by God and clarified by the Lord Jesus Christ as the joining of a man and a woman. You will answer to Him for your actions in this office. Please do not be spineless in this endeavor.
Msg #918 Man's Depravity
What The Bible Says Good Sam's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
In the Bible's doctoral thesis on the righteousness of God and the salvation of man, we learn about the depravity of man unfolding in our nations leadership. The thesis, written as the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans, establishes as its first premise that every human has the knowledge of God's eternal power and Godhead manifest within them, has the invisible things of God clearly seen in creation, and is without excuse. This, in itself, defies Augustinian and Calvinist theology about the 'total depravity' of man, but verse 21 starts the 6 steps that mankind, in his rebellion against God, and in his own sinful nature, takes towards total depravity. It appears our own governor has arrived at that bottom rung, pandering to those who are given over to “vile affections” and “taking pleasure in them that do the same.” How can one of such superb intellect and education rally with homosexuals “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, ... who are given up unto vile affections, ... changing the natural use into that which is against nature, ... men with men working that which is unseemly?” It is only comprehended when you look at the six rungs in the ladder of depravity. “Because that, when they knew God, they 1) glorified him not as God, 2) neither were thankful; but 3) became vain in their imaginations, and 4) their foolish heart was darkened. 5) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And 6) changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” The thing about ladders is that they can take you up as well as down. So which rung are you on? And which direction are you moving? Be top rung with God.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden
300 Words for Week #918, 03 May 2009
53rd Senate District
Albany Office Room 415 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: (518) 455-2091 Fax: (518) 426-6976
Bath District Office 105 East Steuben Street
Bath, New York 14810
Phone: (607) 776-3201 Fax: (607) 776-5185
Dear Senator Winner
I wrote to our Governor informing him that his depraved actions to promote the immoral homosexual agenda in NYS are directly infringing upon my right to discriminate against immorality, to preach the common teaching of the Holy Bible that homosexuality is a sin and abomination against God, and to communicate to the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and to save sinners, not condone and placate their sinful rebellion against nature. Please assist in stopping his rampage into immorality.
Recall that your purpose in office is to punish evil, promote good and protect the innocent, ... not promote immorality, placate vile affections, and desecrate holy matrimony established by God and clarified by the Lord Jesus Christ as the joining of a man and a woman. You will answer to Him for your actions in this office. Please do not be spineless in this endeavor.
Msg #918 Man's Depravity
What The Bible Says Good Sam's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
In the Bible's doctoral thesis on the righteousness of God and the salvation of man, we learn about the depravity of man unfolding in our nations leadership. The thesis, written as the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans, establishes as its first premise that every human has the knowledge of God's eternal power and Godhead manifest within them, has the invisible things of God clearly seen in creation, and is without excuse. This, in itself, defies Augustinian and Calvinist theology about the 'total depravity' of man, but verse 21 starts the 6 steps that mankind, in his rebellion against God, and in his own sinful nature, takes towards total depravity. It appears our own governor has arrived at that bottom rung, pandering to those who are given over to “vile affections” and “taking pleasure in them that do the same.” How can one of such superb intellect and education rally with homosexuals “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, ... who are given up unto vile affections, ... changing the natural use into that which is against nature, ... men with men working that which is unseemly?” It is only comprehended when you look at the six rungs in the ladder of depravity. “Because that, when they knew God, they 1) glorified him not as God, 2) neither were thankful; but 3) became vain in their imaginations, and 4) their foolish heart was darkened. 5) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And 6) changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” The thing about ladders is that they can take you up as well as down. So which rung are you on? And which direction are you moving? Be top rung with God.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden
300 Words for Week #918, 03 May 2009