Good Samaritan Baptist Church Pastor Ed Rice
TO: Phil Windsor May 6, 2002
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am writing to express my dismay at your comments to the press about sodomy and your slander of the Presbyterian denomination. You said that sodomites are the "average, ordinary, good, decent people who are being excluded". The Presbyterian denomination is replete with 'ministers' like yourself who do not believe the Bible or are purposely ignorant of the Bible on the subject of 'abusers of themselves with mankind'. Either turn in your collar or pick up your Bible once in awhile, not a liberals Bible, the Holy Bible. If you want to go march for the cause of sodomites take off the robe, take off the sheep's clothing and be the wolf that would.
God hates sin, God loves sinners, but God still hates sin. We have changed to the 21st century but God never changes. Seems like a preacher of the Gospel would know these things. In fact, a true preacher of the Gospel, the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Gospel that saves sinners from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and eventually the very presence of sin; the Gospel that can save a sodomite and make him 'straight', straight with God, straight with sex; the Gospel that can save even an old reprobate 'preacher'; does know these things. Shame on you.