Matthew 1:1
New Testament Introduction #305/NT510  Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary  January 19 1998 Name Edward G. Rice


NTI BR-11 Simon J. Kistemaker's book "The Gospel in Current Study" read 22 Jan 98
I read the required reading of Simon J. Kistemaker's book "The Gospel in Current Study" The reading included pages 79 -97 Chapter 5, "Gospel". Kistemaker directly attacks the infidelity of the form critic and redaction critical methods. He skillfully uses the word of God to demonstrate the frailty of their arguments. A good book. I should read more of this work in time. The presentation of the defense of the accurate Gospels is replenished with excellent scriptural outlines dealing with 'how' we got the gospel and the likelihood of apostles interactions with each other without the inclination that they were fabricating copycats, the latter being readily present in most form and redaction critics and many of their 'refuters' do not remove this aura from their blasphemous accusations.

 NTI BR-12 Craig L. Blomberg's book "The Historical Reliability of the Gospel" read 25 Jan 98
Blomberg provides a range of logical arguments to various synoptic gospel dissimilarities. The book is very boring reading if you have already dismissed the apparent discrepancies as the ravings of scholarly infidels. He concludes "the most striking dissimilarities between the various Synoptic parallels have been surveyed in some detail. Others could be mentioned but they usually admit of easier solution. It is strange how often that reliability of the gospels is impugned by scholars who believe them to be hopelessly contradictory yet who have never seriously interacted with the types of solutions proposed here." Perhaps Blomberg expected these non believers to read his book. I don't. In fact why I am reading it often comes in question. When we resort to mans scholarly knowledge to bring an unbeliever to belief, we have missed something important in the process.

 NTI BR-13 L.D.Twilley, "The Origin and Transmission of the New Testament, A Short Introduction" Read 1- 4 Feb 98 Pages 1-63 (of 63)
Twilley does present a short introduction. His book was interesting because you could pick out the influence of the infidelity of the higher critic in his otherwise evangelical stance. His abandonment of the Authority of the Bible and the Infallibility of God's Word were subtly included. A model of how we got the synoptic gospels was his most blatant showing. It comes directly from those who blatantly deny the work of the Holy Spirit and make these gospels solely the work of mans hands. Twilley slips it in his work without a word about it, evidencing that he does not recognize its pungent attack on inspiration, nor the scholarly pull that has watered down his arguments into meaningless garble. One cannot waffle around the middle of this issue and retain face as reputable. His purpose was twofold, to give a brief outline of the early church and to show how the books of the NT have been transmitted through the century down to our own day. The former he did pretty well, the latter he compromised to the 'man's book only' crowd that recognizes no inspiration and no preservation of the Bible. To bad L.D. Twilley. It was not worth my time.

 NTI BR-14 Linnemann, Eta, "Historical Criticism of the Bible" Baker Bookhouse @1990 Pages 1-58 (of 168).
Tremendous book by a tremendous writer with tremendous Salvation Testimony. After years of being a liberal scholar and historical critic she tasted of her depravity, believed the Bible and got saved. Her Introduction states "That is why I say "No!" to historical-critical theology. I regard everything that I taught and wrote before I entrusted my life to Jesus as refuse. I wish to use this opportunity to mention that I have pitched my two books ... and ... along with my contributions to journals, anthologies, and Festschriften. Whatever of these writings I had in my possession I threw into the trash with my own hands in 1978. I ask you sincerely to do the same thing with any of them you may have on your own bookshelf." This book is so powerful and pertinent that in the translators introduction, by Robert W. Yarbrough of Wheaton College, you will find 10 pages of tiptoeing explanations apologizing for Eta's radical new view of liberalism and her scholarly attack of the scholarly with the use of so many Bible references. Praise God, These apologies should not accepted by anyone who has been born again, Eta simply puts in words what I have wanted said all along. Our American Seminaries are but larva stages of God forsaking Liberal Universities. Eta defends that so well that it isn't any wonder Wheaton College apologies so profusely. I would that every college and seminary and their students read this book and not apologize but repent. Repentance is in order for our scholarly approach to God's Word and this book hits that nail on the head.
Title  Author  Date Read  Time  Page Numbers  Pages Credit 
General Biblical Introduction  Rev H.S. Miller M.A.  1-14 Oct4 1 80-150  70 
General Biblical Introduction  Rev H.S. Miller M.A.  15-30 Oct 150-175  25 
Inspiration and Cannonicity of the Bible  R. Laird Harris 1-15Nov  0-153  153 
The Interpretation of the NT  Stephen Neill  18-24Nov  10 0-97 97 
The Text of the NT  Bruce M. Metzger  18-24Nov  3-35  32 
The Text of the NT  Bruce M. Metzger  18-24Nov  207-246  39 
The Interpretation of the NT  Stephen Neill  24Nov  5 236-291  55 
New Testament Criticism & Interpretation  Black & Dockery   
The Expositors Bible Commentary Vol 1  Frank E. Gaebelein Edito     409-456  47 
The Gospels in Current Study  Simon J. Kestemaker  10-16 Dec 2 1-62  61 
The Gospels in Current Study  Simon J. Kestemaker  10-16 Dec 1 79-96  17 
An Introduction to the NT  Carson Moo Morris  13 Jan 98  8 1-60, 409-464  120 


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