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The Law of the Teaching Process (of Heart)

A. Law – Teaching is arousing and using the pupil's mind to grasp the desired thought or to master the desired art. Excite and direct the self-activities of the pupil, and as a rule tell him nothing that he can learn himself.

B. Rule - Stimulate the pupil's own mind to action. Keep his thought as much as possible ahead of your expression, placing him in the attitude of a discoverer, an anticipator.

C. Rules for teachers

1. Adapt lessons and assignments to the ages and attainments of the pupils.

2. Select lessons which relate to the environment and needs of the pupils.

3. Find the subjects point of contact with the lives of the pupils.

4. Excite the pupil's interest in the lesson: hint that something worth knowing is to be found out if the lesson is thoroughly studied.

5. Frequently join the pupils in the search for some fact or principle.

6. Be patient: give the pupil time to explain himself.

7. The lesson that does not culminate in fresh questions ends wrong.

8. Observe each pupil to see that his mind is not wandering.

9. It is your chief duty to awaken the minds of your pupils.