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The Law of the Learning Process (of Encouragement)

A. Law - The pupil must reproduce in his own mind the truth to be learned.

B. Rule - Require the pupil to reproduce in thought the lesson he is learning -- thinking it out in its various phases and applications until he can express it in his own language.

C. Rules for teachers

1. Help the pupil to form a clear idea of the work to be done.

2. Warn him that the words of his lesson have been carefully chosen; that they may have peculiar meanings, which it may be important to find out.

3. Show him that usually more things are implied than are said.

4. Ask him to express, in his own words, the meaning of the lesson as he understands it, and to persist until he has the whole thought.

5. Let the reason why be perpetually asked until the pupil is brought to feel that he is expected to give a reason for his opinions.

6. Aim to make the pupil an independent investigator.

7. Help him to test his conceptions to see that they reproduce the truth taught.

8. Seek constantly to develop in pupils a profound regard for truth as something noble and enduring.

9. Teach the pupils to hate shams and sophistries and to shun them.