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The Law of ACTIVITY cont. (of the Lesson)

Meaningful Activity - What kinds of activities are meaningful?

- Activities that provides direction without dictatorship.

(sphere of freedom, structure not straitjacket, doing for student not for teacher)

- Activity that stresses function and application.

(it immediately lets the learner put to use everything that has just been taught)

- Activity with a planned purpose. (not busywork)

- Activity that is concerned with the process as well as the product.

(so students not only know WHAT they believe but WHY. They can then exceed you.)

- Realistic activity that includes problem solving situations.

(Get down to real problems people are faced with, What are they? What Temptations?)

Mind Movers: (Questions for your personal evaluation and for discussion with other teachers)

1. How involved - really involved - are your students in the learning process? Which ones seem to be most involved - and why do you think they are? Which ones seem to be least involved – and why do you think they are?

2. Mentally select three representative students from your class and list the kinds of activities - indoor, outdoor, whatever - that you think they probably enjoy doing most. What clue do these lists give you about how the learning process could be made more effective and enjoyable for these students?

3. Can you think of any examples of activities that might get in the way of effective learning?