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The Law of COMMUNICATION cont. (of the Language)

The Way With Words: So I have something in my mind, I feel it deeply, it totally controls my actions - and I want to share it with you.

Words account for 7% of the communication process!

Content Communication

Facts Form BALANCE!

What you teach How you teach it

Perfecting your Communication = preparation + presentation


Introduction = attention grabbing

Body = with purpose - what your going to say + how your going to say it.

windows that let light in = illustrate + illustrate + illustrate real + personal

Conclusion = Summarize + review,.... with purpose


Enunciate + Loudness + Variable Pitch , Volume, Speed

Distractions Recognize them (adult and children) use them or live with them.

Feedback GET FEEDBACK! Do you understand?

Find out: What the learners know How they Feel What they are doing

Ask Questions!

Few will stand and say "Wait a minute - I have no idea what your talking about."