Good Samaritan Baptist Church Pastor Ed Rice
March 29, 2002
Governor George E. Pataki
c/oNew York State Conservative Party
Fort Hamilton Station, NY 11209-9818
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I contend with your statement that we have been rescued from the brink of moral & economic bankruptcy. I see NY on that brink still.
I found your State of the State Action Survey lacking in two areas that are pushing towards that brink of moral bankruptcy.
The homosexual lobby is pushing hard for recognition as equal stance with race and religion in discrimination cases. You are catering to their wording with your hate crime legislation. Stop it. Sodomy is an abomination to God, immoral, and a destructive sin. Preventing me from preaching that message on the streets of Geneva is a travesty to our children and my rights. You are hedging towards, that travesty. Stop it.
Gambling is not the savior of our economic mess. It is the plight and blight of this state. You have buckled on moral law and moral right to cater to their rich lobby. You have led my legislator and my welfare-recipient-neighbors down the same of deceitful path of getting rich quick with the buy of a ticket, a throw of the dice, and a play of one more hand. Shame on you for such a irresponsible act.
Straighten up and fly-right down there. You are supposed to be a leader that does right. Do right, despite the immoral sin loving lobbyist