Good Samaritan Baptist Church Pastor Ed Rice
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton June 21, 2002
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Subject: Gay Pride
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since sodomites have taken in hand to claim the month of June as their recruitment and acceptance of month, I write to remind you what the Bible says in Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. " I expect you to agree with Ted Kopple who says we have "EVOLVED" past God's Laws, but don't forget that you represent a small segment of people who believe 1) we were created by our Creator (ref Declaration of Independence) and are not Evolving, 2) that the Bible is God's provision for moral law and we don't by consensus of a majority revoke his laws, and 3) Sodomy is explicitly called out as SIN, it is nothing to for you to be proud of, and .your efforts to outlaw our intolerance of this sin and force us to hire the morally abominable is a travesty against the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added to our Constitution to keep Baptist Preachers out of jail, yet all your hate crime and queer discrimination legislation is designed to convict us of hate speech and put us back in jail. We will go to our graves or to your henchmen's noose declaring God right about sodomy and Hillary Clinton a depraved amoral Senator to Sodomites. You may call that intolerant, I question who is really the intolerant one, particularly intolerant to God's Law.
I did not vote for you, and never would. I do remind you that you represent a minority of Bible Believing Christians in NYS. It was demonstrated that we could not topple your personal goals for power, so I will just remind you that you will give answer to Jehovah God, your creator, for how you use your power. You have currently plotted out a course that opposes His word, His Law, and His people, and have taken the side promoting acceptance and recruitment of Sodomites. Find your Bible, read all of Leveticus 18, and know God's Law concerning your actions. Please represent us properly.
Also, the only place that separation of Church and State means Separation of Bible and Government is in the twisted immoral devolved liberal mind. Get your self some history books and make sure you know why this statement came out of the jailhouses and into the mouths of our founding fathers. It may not be to late to include that history in your 4th of July speeches.
In the love of Christ and for His Kingdom