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Audacity of Eschatological Theories
Chapter 7 Special Literary Forms, Virkler's Hermeneutics pg 178
Virkler attempts to justify Protestant Millennialism
- 20th Century Reality caused MOST postmils to realize that the Holy Catholic Church, or any Denomination of it, or any Invisible form of it, would not successfully usher in the millennium
- SYMBOLICALLY Christ bound Satan symbolically 1) by resisting him in the wilderness 2) by paying the penalty of sin, 3) by destroying the power of death, and 4) by offering salvation to Gentiles whereby Satan can no longer deceive nations. …
- Virkler sees it “There is a hermeneutical basis for both the premillennial and amillennial model of interpretation!”
- Premillennialists = literally unless the context suggests otherwise.
- Amillennialists = most prophecy and apocalyptic literature is symbolic thus their symbolic interpretation is not only justified, it is correct. (Then via his 'goodness of fit' rational truth is anybodies guess here!)