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The Law of Heart (of the Teaching Process)
The Law of Heart -Teaching that impacts is not head-to-head but heart-to-heart.
How can the teacher's manner fail to be earnest and inspiring when his subject matter is so rich in radiant reality? - John Milton Gregory
Heart Defined by example in Scripture ... Deut 6:4-6
Character - Compassion – Content
ethos - pathos and logos,....
ethos, as Socrates thought of it, meant establishing the credibility of the teacher, who you are as a person is your greatest leverage as a teacher.
pathos, or compassion, concerns how the teacher arouses the passions off the hearers,... your emotions must run in the direction of your actions.
logos, teachers need content,... marshaling of your evidence,.... using the WORD!
The Teaching - Learning Process:
Teaching is causing people to learn. The simplest definition.
Learning is change. The simplest definition.
Your students will be squeezed into the mold of the world, which is quite a natural fit, or they will be squeezed into the mold of Christ,... "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."