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The Law of Heart cont. (of the Teaching Process)
Where Learning Begins.
All learning begins at the feeling level!
If their attitude is positive, they tend to embrace what they hear. If their attitude is negative, they tend to walk away from it.
If I have negative feelings about you I will reject what you're saying, because I reject you.
Never Forget the Facts: CONTENT!
Content is ALL-Important as well. In our case it is "sharper than any two edged sword" lets use it extensively, and accurately.
Be a person of impact:
1. Know your Students!
2. Earn the right to be heard.
3. Be willing to become vulnerable before your students.
Mind Movers:(Questions for your personal evaluation and for discussion with other teachers)
1. In your own words, how would you describe "heart-to-heart teaching?
2. Which students in your class do you appreciate the most, and why? Which students do you think have the greatest need to sense your appreciation?