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The Law of Readiness cont. (of Review and Application)

"You know, wherever the apostle Paul went, they had a riot or revival. Wherever I go, they serve tea." -Bishop of England

Would some unpredictability help your class?

Fighting Silence.

Ever look into your dog's face after asking him a serious question,... Maybe they didn't understand.

Don't ask Questions ask for Opinions --- WAIT for response,.... COMMEND participants

--- No Such Thing as a Dumb Question!... Unless asked by the Teacher!

Fielding Tough Questions:

POOR = "Well,... whereas ... consequently ... whereupon ... as it were ... most scholars would agree... " by this time your thinking He doesn't have a clue.

GOOD = "Young man, that's the most perceptive question I've been asked in thirty-six years of teaching, and I can't give you an answer to it because my answer would be superficial. But I'll study it and come back to you with an answer. Any other good questions like that one.

From a study on Mark with unsaved in the class - "Hey, you don't mean you're telling me Jesus Christ is God, are you?"

GREAT = "Jim, that's an incredible question, right at the heart of the issue here. It really comes to grips with what we're talking about. Did everyone hear what Jim said? Jim, would you mind repeating it?" What attitude does Jim pick up here?