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The Law of Readiness (of Review and Application)
The Law of Readiness -The Teaching Learning Process will be most effective when both student and teacher are adequately prepared.
Many teachers go to their work either partly prepared or wholly unprepared. They are like messengers without a message. They lack entirely the power and enthusiasm necessary to produce the fruits which we have a right to look for from their efforts. -John Milton Gregory
VALUE OF ASSIGNMENTS Guarantee - If you don't give them they won't do them.
1. They precipitate thinking Assignments are a mental warm up. They preheat the mind so it's working before class begins.
2. They provide a background. a foundation on which to build, how it relates to their life. Questions have surfaced. Curiosity is raising.
3. They develop habits of independent study - and this is the most important benefit of good assignments. They encourage people to be not simply under God's Word, but in it for themselves. And just watch what happens when they are.
1. They must be creative. Not simply busy work. Clear-Objective, Designed-with-Purpose, Don't-fall-out-of-air!
2. They must be thought-provoking. Question more answers than answer questions. Stretch the learners mind.
3. Must be doable. Don't heap on an unrealistic load.
4. Try doing an assignment during the class! Studies have shown that there's a direct correlation between predictability and impact. The higher your predictability the lower your impact. Some classes are so predictable that you can fall asleep, wake up in 10 min and find them exactly where you expected them.