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Law of the Lesson (of Activity)

A. Law - The lesson to be mastered must be explicable in terms of truth already know by the learner -- the unknown must be explained by means of the known.

B. Rule - Begin with what is already well known to the pupil upon the subject, and with what he has himself experienced -- and proceed to the new material by single, easy, and natural steps, letting the known explain the unknown.

C. Rules for teachers

1. Find out what your pupils know of the subject that you wish to teach them.

2. Make the most of the pupils' knowledge and experience. Let them feel its extent and value as a means to further knowledge.

3. Encourage your pupils to clear up and freshen their knowledge by a clear statement of it.

4. Begin with facts or ideas that lie near your pupils' knowledge and experience.

5. Relate every lesson as much as possible to former lessons.

6. Arrange your presentation so that each step of the lessons shall lead easily and naturally to the next.

7. Proportion the steps of the lesson to the ages and attainments of your pupils.

8. Find illustrations in the commonest and most familiar objects suitable for the purpose.

9. Lead the pupils themselves to find illustrations from their own experience.

10. Make every new fact or principle familiar to your pupils. Make them comfortable with it.

11. Urge the pupils to make use of their own knowledge and attainments to find or explain other knowledge.