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Law of the Lesson Cont.
(of Activity)
C. Rules for teachers (Cont)
12. Make every advance clear and familiar, so that progress to the next step can be on known ground.
13. Choose problems for your pupils to solve from their own activities so they see them as real problems not artificial.
14. Your pupils are learning to think: they must learn to face intelligently and reflectively the problems that arise in both inside and outside the classroom.
D. Violations and Mistakes
1. Pupils are made to study that for which they are inadequately prepared of not prepared at all to learn.
2. Neglecting to ascertain carefully the pupils' equipment with which to begin the subject.
3. Failure to connect the new lesson with those that have gone before.
4. Past learning is considered goods stored away, instead of instruments for further use.
5. Elementary facts and definitions are not made thoroughly familiar.
6. Every step is not thoroughly understood before the next is attempted.
7. Assigning lessons or exercises that are too long for the pupils.
8. Failure to place the pupils in the attitude of a discoverer.
9. Failure to show the connections between the parts of the subject that have been taught those before it and those yet to come.